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Farrakhan - The Power of the Navy Bean - 'Fights against radiation'

Health & Healing

During the 'Dinner with the Minister' produced by NFA Studios, Minister Farrakhan and his guests discussed the history and healing properties of the Navy Bean found in the popular Nation of Islam dishes, bean soup and bean pie.

  • “Did you know that the navy bean is a protection against radiation? Everything that you need to sustain this life of yours is not in a pill-it comes from good farming! So we’ve got to get back to the earth.” —Minister Farrakhan

  • Navy beans contain a significant amount of iron, which your body can use to make blood. They are also rich in iodine, which helps defend against radiation. As most farmers and gardeners will tell you, beans are an important staple in gardens because they help the soil absorb nitrogen. For these reasons, navy beans should be on the top of every survivalist’s list when it comes to the production of sustainable gardens and nutritious foods.

  • Researchers recently found that adding navy beans, also known as haricot beans, to the diet of colorectal cancer survivors helped improve their gut microbiome, which could aid in both cancer prevention and treatment.

  • “Navy beans are rich in dietary fiber and an excellent source of plant-based protein — Dr. Daniel-MacDougall

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